The Constitutional Court of Indonesia Attended the International Conference of Court Excellence
08 November 2018

The International Conference of Court Excellence and Innovation Today and Tomorrow was held to discuss the way judiciary institution confront the robust development of technology where the judicial efforts are in line with. The spirit of public services for the justice-seeker basically supported by the technology and basic principles which aimed to guide in carrying out the judicial power functions that linked to the readiness of the courts to deal with the developing era.


The use of technology has become a significant tool to access judicial matters as much as possible for the disputing parties while providing fast tracking and efficiency on judicial administration. Nevertheless, beside those points, technology holds the potential to create any gap which destroy the dignity of the court, as pointed out by David Mashura, Justice of British Columbia Court whose one of the speakers. In regards of this, rush becomes one of the key factor that can force any problem. Every single court should able to measure its capacity in order to use the technology for the sake of judicial process. The procurement of tools with the update technology yet not followed by ability to utilize and user preparation towards modern tools that should support the efficiency of the administration of justice will be back fired and pointless. However, it does not mean that the courts do nothing, because idle is the same as retreating backward. In principle, the administration of judicial services must move forward in accordance with the speed of community dynamics. If the community is only able to walk, then do not be forced to jump away, said Jessica Der Matossian of the Federal Court of Australia.


As the change is inevitable, so do the face of the judiciary. Richard Susskind, Professor of University College London, who is well known as a futurist predicted that in the future the judiciary institution will not only be a place, but also holds the role as services. The court is no longer defined by a building but rather in carrying out the functions of providing services to justice for the community. Susskind pictured an online court, where case registrations, trial hearings and the verdict are made in cyberspace. The indications have begun to be obvious at this time. The court has begun to leave paper document-based case files. Digitalizing files has begun everywhere in the practice of court cases in various parts of the world. Examination of witnesses and listening to expert information through video conferencing are common. In more extreme and controversial terms, artificial intelligence can replace the functions of judges in deciding cases. The changes are already in front of us, changes in the provision of court services by utilizing technology have been unable to reject. An important note is that change must be carried out in accordance with the speed of the dynamics and capabilities of society in general.


This conference provided valuable input and lessons that can be useful for the development of the Constitutional Court. Wahiduddin Adams uttered that he was lucky to be able to attend this conference and would share the experience and knowledge he gained during the conference with other constitutional justices as his souvenirs and in the framework of developing the Constitutional Court as an excellent judiciary. (bisar/LA/SO)

