Constitutional Court of Mongolia held the Board of Members Meeting
05 June 2023

The Board of Members Meeting (BoMM) that are part of the fifth congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions was held on June 5, 2023. The virtual event was organized by the Constitutional Court of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar. The event was opened officially by Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia Chinbat Namjil, who is also the president of the AACC for 2021–2023. The AACC members from South Korea, Turkey, Thailand, and Malaysia, and other countries also attended the event


The delegations discussed several agendas, including a report by the Constitutional Court of Mongolia on events it organized during its presidency; reports by the Constitutional Courts of Indonesia, Turkey, and Korea as the permanent secretariats of the association of their activities in August 2022 to May 2023; expression of appreciation to the Constitutional Court of Mongolia for its presidency and hope for the Constitutional Court of Thailand as the next president; information on the AACC short course of 2023; and the proposal for the addition of new members.


Secretary General of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia and of the Host Secretariat of the AACC, D. Bayanbileg presented the activity report during the presidency of AACC in 2021-2023, .”. The activities have continued normally, regularly and continuously under the motto " Collective trust, collective effort, Collective results”.


In his performance report as the head of the Permanent Secretariat of the AACC for Planning and Coordination (SPC), Secretary-General Heru Setiawan said that the AACC had successfully conducted a joint conference between the AACC and the CCJA, which was the starting point of cooperation between the two associations. He also expressed appreciation for the active participation of the constitutional jurisdictions of Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, South Korea, and Turkey in updating their information and international activities on the internal menu on the AACC’s website. After conveying the SPC’s work programs in August 2022 to June 2023, Heru also detailed the secretariat’s work programs until June 2024, which includes continuing the process to invite potential new members into the association; initiating membership invitations to the Supreme Courts of Kuwait, Singapore, and Timor Leste; and providing support for the AACC president. Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra said that the SPC will hold an AACC international short course for legal officers on August 9-11, 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia.


The Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) is an Asian regional forum for constitutional justice established in July 2010 to promote the development of democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights in Asia by increasing the exchanges of information and experiences related to constitutional justice and enhancing cooperation and friendship between institutions exercising constitutional jurisdiction.

