Supreme Constitutional Court of the State of Palestine


The court is exclusively competent of the following:

  1. Constitutional supervision and control on the laws and regulations.
  2. A-Explaining the provisions of the Basic Law .B-Explaining the Legislations in the cases were there is a conflict in execution, and there is necessity to explain it. C-To settle conflict of jurisdiction between the authorities.
  3. To settle conflict of jurisdiction between the judicial bodies and the administrative bodies having judicial competencies.
  4. To settle the disputes that arise concerning the execution of two contradicting final decisions whereby one of the decisions is issued by a judicial body or a body having judicial competencies and the other from a different side of it.
  5. Resolution and settlement of an appeal concerning the legal incompetence of the president of the State of Palestine in accordance to clause (1/C) of article (37) of the amended Basic Law for the year 2003. Its decision is considered valid from the date the legislative Council ratifies the law with the majority of two thirds of its members.
Address :
Palestine - Al-Bireh - The Supreme Constitutional Court Building
H.E. Chancellor Judge Ali Muhanna
H.E. Asaad Boutros Mubarak
Members Composition

His Excellency Chancellor Judge  Dr. Abdel-Rahman Abu El-Nasr

His Excellency ChancellorJudge Fathi Abu Srou

His Excellency the Chancellor Hatem Abbas Mohammed Salah Al-din

His Excellency the Chancellor Dr. Rafik Abu Ayyash

His Excellency the Chancellor Adnan Abu Laila

His Excellency the Chancellor Fawaz Saymeh

His Excellency the Chancellor Fathi Alwahidi

His Excellency the Chancellor Hani Boulos Natour

His Excellency the Chancellor Mohammed Abdul Ghani Al-Awwi

His Excellency the Chancellor Adnan Abu Warda

His Excellency the Chancellor Dr. Ghassan Faramand

His Excellency the Chancellor Dr. Abdel Raouf alSanawi

His Excellency the Chancellor Dr. Bashar Daraghmeh

Secretary General