Constitutional Court of Republic of Türkiye

  1. To review compatibility of laws and decree laws with the Constitution (abstract and concrete norm review)
  2. To adjudicate individual complaints alleging a violation of fundamental rights
  3. To decide on the dissolution of political parties and financial audit of political parties
  4. Trying the President and other high level state and military figures in the capacity of Supreme Tribunal
  5. To review Parliament resolutions on the lift of immunity of its members and on the disqualification from membership 
Address :
Ahlatlibel Mahallesi Incek Sehit Savci Mehmet Selim Kiraz Bulvari No : 4 Postcode:06805 Çankaya / ANKARA / TURKEY
+90 312 463 73 00 / +90 312 463 74 07
+90 312 463 74 00
H.E. Mr. Kadir Özkaya
2024 - Present
H.E. Mr. Hasan Tahsin Gökcan
Members Composition

H.E. Mr. Prof. Dr. Engin YILDIRIM

H.E. Mr.  Hicabi DURSUN

H.E. Mr. Muammer TOPAL

H.E. Mr.  Muhammed Emin KUZ

H.E. Mr. RIdvan GULEC

H.E. Mr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recai AKYEL

H.E. Mr. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sevki HAKYEMEZ


H.E. Mr. Selahaddin MENTES

H.E. Mr. Basri BAGCI

H.E. Mr. Irfan FIDAN

Secretary General
Mr. Murat Azakli
  1. The President represents the Court
  2. The Rapporteur Judges (law clerks or researchers) are also directly administered by and responsible to the President
  3. The Bureau of Media Consultant is also directly administered by and responsible to the President
  4. General Secretariat is in charge for administration of staff, facilitating the operation of judicial and other administrative work and technical service. In general, one deputyship of general secretary is assigned for administration of personnel and staff, one deputyship for organizing and developing the individual application system, and one deputyship for foreign relations.
  5. Registrar is also organized under General Secretariat in terms of administrative hierarchy, and they focus on technical justice administration.
  6. The Bureaus organized under the General Secretariat and deputyships are as follows:
  • Bureau of Registrar
  • Bureau of Personnel
  • Bureau of Publications and Public Relations
  • Bureau of Private Secretary of the President
  • Bureau of Foreign Relations
  • Bureau of Individual Application
  • Bureau of Technical Service
  • Bureau of Administrative and Financial Services
  • Bureau of Strategic Development 
  • Bureau of Execution of Judgments