Handing - Over Ceremony of the AACC Presidency
12 October 2023

On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, Mr. Suttirak Songsivilai, Deputy Secretary General as Acting Secretary General of the Office of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand, received the flag of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) from Mr. Davaadalai Galbaabadraa, Deputy Secretary General of the ConstitutionalCourt of Mongolia. On this occasion, the Ambassador of Mongolia to Thailand, together withthe executives, officials of the office of the Constitutional Court, and a representative of theConstitutional Court of Mongolia, attended the ceremony as the distinguished witness at the Ceremony Room, 3 Floor, Office of the Constitutional Court, Chaengwattana Road, Bangkok.


The Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand will preside over the Associationfor two years from 2023 to 2025 and host the 6th AACC Congress. Among the seven foundingmembers, the Thai Constitutional Court is a co-founder of this Association by signing the AACC Statute (Jakarta Declaration), dated 12th July 2010. As a forum of constitutional justice in the Asian region, this Association is aim at protecting human rights, preserving democracy, implementing the rule of law as well as enhancing a judicial independence by sharing information and experiences among the members. Currently, 21 countries around Asia join the Association, under which the three Permanent Secretariats are functioning: The Secretariat for Planning and Coordination (AACC PSPC) situated in Jakarta, the Republic of Indonesia; the Secretariat for Research and Development (AACC SRD) situated in Seoul, the Republic of Korea; and the Center for Training and Human Resources Development (AACC CTHRD) situated in Ankara, the Republic of Turkiye.

