The Constitutional Court of Mongolia held the Fifth Congress of AACC
18 August 2022

The Constitutional Court of Mongolia as the AACC President of 2019-2021 held the Fifth Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) on “Recent Developments of Constitutional Justice in Asia,” on Thursday, August 18, 2022 on-site and virtually from Ulaanbaatar. The work of the Congress was held in two sessions dedicated to the implementation of constitutional control in the context of global changes, as well as new challenges such as digitalization, e-government and climate change.

At the plenary session, the Chairman of the Constitutional Council delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the event, emphasizing that in 2005 in the capital of Mongolia the need to create an association of Asian constitutional courts was discussed for the first time. After many years of efforts, our organization has become an authoritative association with great potential. The Speaker also said that in the Nur-Sultan Declaration adopted at the end of the Fourth Congress, we reaffirmed that in the era of global change, ensuring the highest legal force of the Constitution is a prerequisite condition for the progressive development of any state that has embarked on the path of democratic modernization.


In the first session, K. Mami made a presentation on the topic: "Constitutional Review in Kazakhstan: tasks and prospects at the present stage." The participants of the Congress were informed about the ongoing constitutional reform in Kazakhstan, in particular, the transformation of the Constitutional Council into the Constitutional Court.


On the first day of the Fifth Congress of the AACC, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Anwar Usman in his presentation on “The Constitutional Court’s Role in Protecting the Citizens’ Right to Health Amid Pandemic,” Justice Anwar said the guarantee to healthcare is one of the state’s protection for its citizens. In its decisions on the Law on the State’s Financial Policy and Fiscal Stability for the Mitigation of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Health Quarantine Law, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia had made efforts to provide the Government with legal certainty to take the required steps in making decisions regarding state finances and health quarantine following the conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic.


President of the Constitutional Court of Turkey Zühtü Arslan chaired the congress and moderated speeches by speakers including Chief Justice Anwar Usman. Justice Gangabaatar Dashbalbar of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia talked about “Recent Developments of Constitutional Justice in Asia,” Chairman Kairat Mami of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan talked about “Constitutional Review in Kazakhstan: Tasks and Prospects at the Present Stage,” Chairperson Tha Htay of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar talked about “The Constitutional Review in Challenging Times,” Deputy Chairman Gafurov Askarjon of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan talked about “Constitutional Reform in Uzbekistan: New Stage and Development of Constitutional Control,” while Justice Ki Young Kim of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea talked about “Constitutional Review in Challenging Times: Protection of Personal Information, COVID-19, Judicialization of Politics.”

